Friday 28 September 2018


To be honest, not very long ago I had an absolutely different perception of what life should look like.

Growing up in a small village, in a middle-class family made me think that life is nothing more than suffering for money in order to survive the days, months and years coming ahead.

Both my parents and grandparents were hard workers and constantly struggling, sometimes living from one day to another. Our lives were about collecting every penny we could put aside, clothing from second-hand shops and living a humble life in every possible way.
My sister and I, we didn't have the opportunity to go on extra classes, to attend language courses or any other extra lessons that would cost money. Only one time we went on family holidays to the Lake Balaton for 3 whole days spending the least money possible during the trip.

I have only seen frustration, disappointment, exhaustion from my mother and father and well, I didn't understand that time but now I clearly see how deep impact this example made on me.

Reading these words may give you the impression that I am complaining about my circumstances but please, don't judge me too fast.
All story belongs to us. Even those that we are not so fascinated to talk about in front of others because we may feel ashamed, or looked down by others.
But let me tell you how I feel.


I would never change the past and I am really sorry if I have ever blamed my family for what I hadn't had. They did everything to give us whatever we needed and always tried to make us happy.

I have learned gratitude, appreciation for what I have received to start my life with. It is an important, eye-opening turning point when you are not holding onto anger and frustration that keeps you back from moving forward in your life. And this realization made me look at myself and feel truly proud of who I have become.

Today I think differently.

My beliefs get stronger in me every single day and even when I am feeling low - because you do feel down from time to time - deep in my heart I know: I can conquer any obstacle come into my way.

The lesson is today:
Don't blame others for what you have got in life till now; that's done.
Don't let circumstances define who You truly are.
Work on yourself every day and make your story a successful one!

Your only way is UP!

Love, Barbara

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